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Afghan Pair to Davidson, Gordon Highlanders Afghan Medal officially named to: 2126 PTE. W. DAVIDSON 92ND HIGHRS. T…
Afghan pair to Pte. Dawson, 60th Foot Afghan Medal officially named to: 1570 PTE. G. DAWSON 2/60TH FOOT. Clasps for A…
Afghan campaign group of five to Lt. Colonel Charles Edward Wylde MacDonald, Imperial Yeomanry late 13th Lancers Afgh…
Baltic group of four to Thomas Cox who served in the Naval Brigade at Lucknow in the Indian Mutiny. Baltic Medal unna…
Baltic group of three to Oliver Manship, Captain of the Quarter Deck. Baltic and China Medals unnamed as issued. Two …
British South Africa Company group to Sergeant W. Simmonds, Military Mounted Police, late 7th Hussars British South Afr…
Group of four to Lieutenant H. A. Woods, British South Africa Police British South Africa Company Medal 1890-97, reve…
A fine campaign group of four awarded to Private George Dorrell, 61st Foot, late 41st Foot, who was severely wounded in …
Scarce pair to QM. Sgt. William Wright, Royal Fusiliers. Canada General Service Medal officially named to: 695 COL. S…
The rare Defence of Legations group of five to Colour-Sergeant A. E. Saunders, R.M.L.I., one of the three senior N.C.O.s…
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Madaille Militaire group to Colour-Sergeant J. Thompson, 49th Regiment of Foot China 1842 officially named to: John Tho…
A Great War C.M.G. group of ten awarded to Brigadier-General L. N. Beatty, 31st Duke of Connaught’s Own Lancers (forme…
Crimea pair to Captain John Aldridge 21st Foot. Crimea Medal engraved naming to: CAPT. JOHN ALDRIDGE 21ST FOOT. Two c…
The campaign group of five awarded to Colonel H. Hume, C.B., Grenadier Guards, late 95th (Derbyshire) Regiment of Foot a…
An Inkermann D.C.M. group of three to Corporal J. Button, 7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fusiliers) Distinguished Conduct …
A Boer War D.C.M. group of five awarded to Sergeant Major W. Marsden, Royal Field Artillery Distinguished Conduct Medal…
A Boer War D.S.O. group of five awarded to Colonel F. B. Lecky, Royal Horse Artillery, who commanded 200 men of the Roya…
Group of seven to Petty Officer B. E. Parsons, Royal Navy, who served through the Anglo-Zanzibar War, the Benin Expedit…
Egypt and Transport medal group to Surgeon John Brunt, Royal Navy, later Mercantile Marine Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, dat…
Egypt pair to Driver Chesterman, Royal Engineers. Egypt Medal officially named to: 13627 DRIV: C. CHESTERMAN. F.D PAR…
Egypt group of four to Colonel Clementi, Bengal Staff Corps Egypt Medal officially named to: MAJOR M. CLEMENTI B. S. …
Egypt group of six to Chief Engine Room Artificer H. B. Corteen, Royal Navy Egypt and Sudan 1882-89, undated reverse, 1…
Egypt group of three to ERA John Fright, Royal Navy Egypt Medal Officially named to: J. FRIGHT AC. E.R.ARTFR. H.M.S. …
Egypt pair to Pte. O'Hare, Mounted Infantry. Egypt Medal officially named to: 2336 H. O'HARE 2/MOUNTED INF: Single cl…
Royal Navy Long Service group to Pte. Alfred Preston British Red Cross late Royal Marines Egypt Medal officially name…
Egypt pair to Private W. Raymond, 5th Lancers, who served with the Camel Corps in the Sudan and was mortally wounded at …
Egypt pair to James Redpath 19th Hussars. Present at the Battle of Abu Klea Egypt Medal officially engraved to: 2162 …
Scarce Egypt pair to Pte. Watlin 16th Lancers who was present at the Battle of Abu Klea. Egypt Medal officially named…
Egypt Pair to Pte. West, Royal Marine Light Infantry Egypt Medal officially named to: F.G. WEST R.M. H.M.S. CONDOR. S…
I.G.S. Group of three to Ordinary Seaman Joseph Douglas, Royal Navy India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Pegu offic…
Pair to Lieutenant-Colonel L. M. Foster, 28th Bombay Pioneers India General Service 1854-95, 1 clasp, Chin-Lushai 188…
Long Service group to Henry Maxwell 18th / 24th Foot. India General Service Medal officially named to: HY. MAXWELL. 1…
Interesting officers group to Captain William Sheehy, 81st Foot who served in three campaigns before dying in the Indian…
Naval General Service group of five to Leading Seaman Nathaniel Frazer, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 …
Naval General Service pair to Lieutenant T. C. Meheux, Royal Navy Naval General Service 1793-1840, 1 clasp, Syria offic…
Punjab and IGS pair to General W. F. Curtis, formerly commandant 21st Hussars, late 1st Bombay Light Cavalry Punjab 184…
Boer War pair to Pte. Holland, Essex Regiment Queens South Africa Medal officially named to: 5400 PTE. S. HOLLAND 1ST…
Queens South Africa Medal and WWI Trio to Gunner Jackman, Royal Navy Queens South Africa Medal officially named to:17…
Nice Meritorious Service Medal group to Sgt. Kent R.A.M.C. for over 40 years service. Queens South Africa Medal offic…
Boer War pair to Captain Liddon, Yorkshire Regiment. Wounded in action at Krugers Post Queens South Africa Medal offi…
Queens South Africa pair to J. Lottering, Mafeking Town Guard Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Defence of Maf…
Officers Boer War pair to Lieut. Reynolds Royal Welsh Fusiliers Queens South Africa Medal officially engraved naming …
Boer War group to Private A. Rice, Kimberley Volunteer Regiment Queens South Africa 1899-1902, 2 clasps, Defence of Kim…
QSA, Kimberley Star pair to Private J. Simpson, Kimberley Town Guard Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Defence…
A scarce Defence of Ookiep pair awarded to Private J. Thomas, Namaqualand Town Guard Queens South Africa Medal 189…
Defence of Mafeking Pair to Trooper Trollope, Mafeking Town Guard late Stellaland Horse. Cape of Good Hope Medal of…
Unusual group of five to Sergeant T. E. Walsh, 9th Lancers, later Sub-Conductor, Indian Unattached List Queen’s South…
Sudan and Boer War group to Sgt. Henry Louis Moyse, Rifle Brigade. Queens Sudan Medal officially named to: 3176 A/CPL…
Classic Victorian group to Pte. Welsh, Rifle Brigade. Sudan Medal officially named to: 2490 PTE. E. WELSH 2/R. BDE. …
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