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Product Information

Group of six to Sergeant J. V. Hoole, East Lancashire Regiment, late Orderly, Whalley Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade
Queens South Africa 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Cape Colony officially named to: 1744 Ord: J. V. Hoole. St. John Amb: Bde:

1914-15 Star officially named to: 3236 Sjt. J. V. Hoole. E. Lan. R. 

British War and Victory Medals officially named to: 3236 Sjt. J. V. Hoole. E. Lan. R.

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal, G.V.R. officially named to: 146 Cpl. . J. V. Hoole. 4/E. Lan: R.

St. John Medal for South Africa 1899-1902 officially named to: 1744. Pte. J. V. Hoole. Whalley Div. 

Mounted for display, very fine. Copy of service papers.

Product Code: EM4278

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