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Queens South Africa pair to J. Lottering, Mafeking Town Guard Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Defence of Maf…
Officers Boer War pair to Lieut. Reynolds Royal Welsh Fusiliers Queens South Africa Medal officially engraved naming …
Boer War group to Private A. Rice, Kimberley Volunteer Regiment Queens South Africa 1899-1902, 2 clasps, Defence of Kim…
QSA, Kimberley Star pair to Private J. Simpson, Kimberley Town Guard Queen’s South Africa 1899-1902, 1 clasp, Defence…
A scarce Defence of Ookiep pair awarded to Private J. Thomas, Namaqualand Town Guard Queens South Africa Medal 189…
Defence of Mafeking Pair to Trooper Trollope, Mafeking Town Guard late Stellaland Horse. Cape of Good Hope Medal of…
Unusual group of five to Sergeant T. E. Walsh, 9th Lancers, later Sub-Conductor, Indian Unattached List Queen’s South…
Sudan and Boer War group to Sgt. Henry Louis Moyse, Rifle Brigade. Queens Sudan Medal officially named to: 3176 A/CPL…
Classic Victorian group to Pte. Welsh, Rifle Brigade. Sudan Medal officially named to: 2490 PTE. E. WELSH 2/R. BDE. …
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